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Dec 02, 2022
hand touching the car window and living the moment

How to stop overthinking?

Our thoughts have tremendous power, our thoughts have tremendous control power and your reality is the mirror of your thoughts.

If you want to change your reality, control your thoughts.
"All the thoughts that go through your mind, you will live in your life"

You are not alone, and you were not born overthinking. Thinking, the latter, is the result of one fact of human existence: each of us has behavior. These behaviors develop over time based on life experiences. And just as new behaviors are learned, so too can they be unlearned.
The solution is to identify the cause of your overthinking, and then want to change your way of thinking and resort to this change, but this may be easier said than done.

What is overthinking?
The classic definition of overthinking is “thinking about something too much or for too long.” While it's human nature to think things over when making a decision or evaluating a situation, it's so overthinking that we can't get the idea out of our head. It happens to all of us at some point in our lives - we all experience events that cause us anxiety, stress, or even frustration.

Why I overthink?
Before you can learn how to stop overthinking, you must first address the question, “Why am I overthinking?” Overthinking is often a byproduct of anxiety or depression. If this is the case, you may need to treat your anxiety or depression to reduce it

You may also find that overthinking only comes when you need to make a difficult life decision or deal with your fears. If overthinking is not a symptom of a deeper emotional issue, it can often be treated by changing thoughts and mindsets.

Why do I need to stop?
Because life is more beautiful if we live it superficially at times and forget our concerns at other times. You will see life more beautiful if you reduce your thinking if you think consciously and rationally. If you avoid negativity in everything you live in, in your feelings, thoughts and habits, even in your behavior, you will find yourself in a happier life.


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