Dec 01, 202260’000 THOUGHTS PER DAY:
Your brain is filled with thoughts. Sixty thousand thoughts per day.
Imagine that many thoughts in a room. Whoa.
Most of your thoughts run subconsciously because they are efficient and repetitive.
For example: Lift up your leg. Move it forward. Set it down. These repetitive and programmed thoughts that serve us don’t need to be organized deliberately—our brain does that very well. Some of them (subconscious) are very dangerous like: I am not worthy. She is better than me. I am fat. I can never do it ..
The repetitive and programmed thoughts that don’t serve us DO need to be organized and cleaned.
Think of them as the thoughts stuffed away at the back of the closet. They seem harmless because you don’t really know what’s in there; you aren’t really paying attention. But these thoughts are continuously creating unwanted emotion in the background.
We need to pull these thoughts into our consciousness and make decisions about them.
Is this thought serving me?
Do I really want it?
Is it current or outdated?
You also have thoughts that are conscious. These are new thoughts you are thinking on purpose. Often, these are judgments about daily things, thoughts about the present, and thoughts about the future. Depending on how much thought work you have done, these thoughts might be very deliberate and useful, or they might be more like daydreaming and indulgent. You will definitely want to organize these thoughts on purpose. Ask yourself the three questions...
Is this thought serving me?
Do I really want it?
Is it current or outdated?
The more aware you are of your thinking, the more you can make conscious choices about how you want to think. Being organized is the best way to manage your mind at the highest level. You will notice that with all the work we do this month, we will first become aware of what we have, make decisions based on the three questions, and then learn how to say goodbye to what we don’t want and create what we do want.
1. Become aware.
2. Ask three questions—make a decision.
3. Say goodbye.
4. Create what you want
If you need to bring in new thoughts to practice, say goodbye to the thoughts you have been thinking, and start creating and practicing the ones you want to think. Keep straightening up your brain of thoughts like you would a room that you want to keep clean and organized. Rooms get dusty and messed up, and just like your brain, you need to organize them regularly. The daily and weekly exercises will help you truly manage your mind in the most organized way.
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